For detailed info <click here>
The white cord plugs into power, the brown cord goes to my 1927 Western Electric 102B1 rotary phone, and after pairing Cell2Jack with my iPhone via bluetooth, voila:
All incoming / outgoing calls on my cell phone are now handled by my rotary phone.
If you're baffled by this, wondering "what the heck is wrong with this guy?", please to consider:
* you're not alone; I get that a lot -
* who do you think would win a beauty contest: my gorgeous 1927 classic or your boring black rectangle? and finally -
* I'm vintage and love vintage things - hickory golf, old phones, antique TVs and radios, retro toys, classic cars, etc.
An ironclad axiom:
Deal with it.
Don't care what anyone says - for less than $40, this is très cool.
I made a few adjustments once connected: to the speaker and mic volume, and one to cancel an echo people on the other end of the line were hearing when they talked.
However, it seemed like the more I messed with stuff the worse things got, so I reverted cell2jack to its factory settings, and now all is well.
During this process I called #1 son several times, explaining what I was doing and asking him about call quality.
I could tell he was amused by all my machinations -
(this is the son who reminded me during our struggles with our 1956 Philco V-handle refrigerator that "some people like to visit museums, but that doesn't mean they want to live in one")
- so I wasn't surprised when he eventually offered his opinion on my vintage phone adventure:
"You could just answer your cell phone, you know."
He's right of course, I could...and have been for the last 30 years or so.
But not anymore, at least not when I'm at home.
I love my antique phones, and am now happily using them (there are several and I switch them out from time to time)...
...for the purpose they were intended: communication.
And yes, I'm dialing 10 digit phone numbers, not looking at a name in my contacts and tapping it.
Hey, it's a rotary phone; you dial them.
After getting things situated I chatted with the creator of this product and he tells me most of his customers are 60 or older and don't like messing with cell phones.
His product lets them continue using their existing phones rather than the ubiquitous black rectangle surgically attached to most people's palms nowadays.
Doesn't happen to be my issue, but to each their own.
C'mon, join the resistance and give it a try!
You're not chicken, are ya?
never actually thought of a chicken as a pet until this moment |
A year ago the Detroit Lions played in the NFC championship game -
- and lost.
Still mystified how that happened, as I did everything right that day, including (but not limited to) wearing these:
In spite of my best efforts, the universe remained unimpressed, so no Super Bowl appearance for the beleaguered Lions.
This season - well, this season they didn't even make it to the NFC championship game, in spite of a franchise record 15 win regular season and being the #1 seed.
Inexplicable since - remembering last year - I did NOT wear my lion slippers, figuring the universe was angry with my arrogant display of blatant Lions bias.
As if dealing with the insouciance of the cosmos wasn't enough...
...must we now also endure the indignity of insult added to injury?
Because let's face it, there's no accountin' for taste when it comes to the universe's choice of football teams.
Super Bowl (insert large roman numeral here) will feature the Liberal Bubble Girls from Kansas City...
...vs the Dirty Birds from Philadelphia:
if you ever need to be cursed at and <called sexually vulgar names>, these fans have your back. their old stadium had a courtroom and jail cells in the basement, so 'nuff said. |
Since I can't begin to imagine for whom I'd root, not gonna watch...but might tune in for the commercials.
My friend Larry from work suggested we should each buy one of these so we could stretch their legs on Sunday drives:
It's a <BossHoss '57 Chevy trike> with an 8 cylinder engine, so top speed is a lot faster than I'll ever go and pricing starts at $65k.
Ultra cool but uber pricey.
After careful consideration, I think this is probably more my speed:
he: "Hop in baby! Lemme take you for a ride..."
she: " I know you?"
he: "Well, I uh..."
she: "You know what? Never mind; you look harmless and you're cheaper than a taxi.
"You can start by taking me to the pharmacy for <mommy's little helpers>, then be a dear and trundle me over to Piggly Wiggly, ok hon?
"I'll get a few groceries and some Spam to fry up for lunch.
"If you mix it with crushed bread crumbs and use lots of Crisco it's really good with store brand yellow mustard.
"Hey, will everything fit in this dinky little sidecar? I'm not carrying it all on my lap, you know."
See what I mean? Wild...
Larry recommended we use the appropriate headgear:
But if we're going to start a Vespa scooter gang that terrorizes local wading pools, we'll need some kind of symbol that captures the true essence of our threatening male libidos:
"Watch it, Buster! I've got a pen - several of them in fact - and I know how to use them!
"Plus, if any of them leak, the plastic prevents the ink from staining my white shirt.
"Neato, right?"
I can see the young mothers in a panic, frantically gathering up their terrified brood from the wading pool as we roar into view!
"Oh great, not them again. C'mon kids, time to go."
"Aw Mom, do we have to? We can take 'em!"
"I know you can Sweetie, but I don't want you touching them; you might catch something.
"Their skin, it doesn't look healthy..."
I'll quit work, buy some Vitalis...
...a plastic comb to carry in my back pocket and a leather jacket.
Or maybe a used denim blazer from Goodwill - a lot cheaper. Might look around a bit while I'm there, too...they've got some supermurgitroid stuff!
Then me and The Pocket Protectors! will rev up our Vespas and hang out by the bowling alley...
...looking for trouble.
Well, maybe not trouble so much as excitement.
Or even loose change. I once found a quarter in the cigarette machine...some guy just left it there.
Can you believe that? What a ninny!
Unfortunately, Karen's already told me she'll never ride in a sidecar, so looks like my plans for Vespa gangbanger glory won't amount to squat.
But hey, I can dream...
...can't I?
when even a bottom feeder like CNN fires your sorry hide, you truly are the offscouring of yellow journalism |
the party of slavery and hypocrisy strikes again |
as we contemplate moving, this is a selling point we want to create in our cellar ambiance for the next owners |
last round of the season and feels like forever ago, but it's only been 3 months. only round I've played where I had nothing worse than a bogey. |
we've all wanted to at one point or another |
the great Jose Capablanca, 4 years old and playing chess with his father in Havana, circa 1892 |
my idle hickory sticks, taunting me |
Guess we'll just have to keep <waiting>.
In the meantime, some encouragement from God's Word: