Saturday, October 19, 2024

I Don't Usually Start This Way...

...but our collective futures are up for grabs in less than 3 weeks.

You should read this entire post from Jason@Bitcoin4Freedom on X / twitter.


40 million views and counting.

As you prepare to do your civic duty and vote, it's worth remembering what Thomas Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."

The purpose of government?

To secure our God ordained rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

It's not a personality contest, nor a beauty pageant, and we're not hiring a pastor.

We're electing a President whose administration is supposed to protect us, defend the constitution, and promote peace and prosperity for our country.

If you're a fan of inflation, crime, censorship, wars, high energy prices, killing babies in utero and illegal immigration, then Kamala is your candidate.

Otherwise, you know what to do.

Speaking of the walking lie factory, she recently dared to venture outside of her liberal echo chamber and attempted an <interview with Brett Baier>.

Gary Varvel artfully summarized her painful train wreck in 1 panel:

for those born after 1980: <Roberto Duran: No Mas>

You've stepped in mud puddles that are deeper (and cleaner) than her.

Here's hoping that was the self-inflicted knockout punch that ends her sham candidacy.

With less than 2 weeks 'til the big day, it's time to roust out the ne'er-do-wells that inhabit our Walk Of Fear and whip their lazy butts into shape:

last year's snowy, scaled down edition, wait a minute here...I'm wrong.

Had a sudden flashback to when I was raising 5 sons...

...and it was "parenting" that was whipping my lazy butt into shape.

My, what a difference a few decades can make.

In any event, all I have to do with the All Hallows Gang...

willie the werewolf, the st. james infirmary duo, mr. bolts

the usual suspects make sure they're plugged in / have batteries, and can still handle their spookification duties.

On track for...

Sad to say it's become heating season 'round these parts...

to be honest, I can't remember if that's a malm or preway fireplace; preway, I think... I fired up our bedroom fireplace.

This accomplishes two things:

1) keeps us warm while we're sleeping in our bedroom at night -and-

2) prevents a certain someone from cranking up the thermostat to heat the entire house so we can be warm while we're sleeping in our bedroom at night.

Gonna try and wait another week or two before starting up the one in the bonus room.

I'd like to report I had my best round of hickory golf ever this week...

note the fall colors in the distance and yes, that's the moon just after sunrise

...and through 7 holes, I actually did: 5 pars, 2 bogeys.

one of the many reasons I love fall golf; so pretty

Not saying this is the reason for my improved play, but I did tweak my playset again...

long spoon, short spoon, mashie, putter

...dropping my mid iron and reinstating my short spoon.

Finally satisfied with the gaps between clubs and feeling a little more comfortable with my swing lately, I opened with a chip in for par and was off to the races.

It's true I golf on a bunny course - longest hole is a 400 yard par 5 - and any good golfer would be kicking himself for missing birdie putts...

...and bogeying a couple of holes - but down here in Dufferville where I live, this was an amazing run.

And then I teed it up on #8...

...and that was all she wrote.

Actually had a decent tee shot, right down the middle of the fairway, and I know exactly what I did wrong after that.

Ever have one of those times when you're trying to correct something, but those dominoes keep on falling...

...and it all goes <kittywampus> anyway?

Yeah; me, too.

So...instead of finishing my round at 2 over...

actual photo of me after 3 putting on 9

...a triple then a double bogey had me staggering off the course at +7.

But you know what?

If you told me before I started that I'd play a little better than bogey, I would have been fine with it.

It's just that - as in life, so with golf - endings matter.

And this one sucked.

We soldier on, still in search of that one complete round.

Alright, no more dithering here, it's time to...

To wit:

'tis the season


mr. squirrel, another fan of seafood sensations cat food...

...and even li'l Chip gets in on the action

super moon on the lake at Larry's cottage

Larry and friends offroading on Drummond Island

In this tense season of political discord, when passions run high and rhetoric is shrill, it's worth remembering what God says about our Christian duty in society:

If you're wondering what God's will is for your life, there's your 4 part answer.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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Saturday, October 12, 2024

In The Midst Of Chaos... oasis of serenity.

Isn't that delightful?

That's a sunrise on the lake by Larry's cottage, and he's kind enough to share some gorgeous pics now and then.

In this crazy runup to the most important election in our lifetime, when the airwaves are filled with lies and the future of our constitutional republic hangs in the balance...'s calming to simply take a breath, step back for a moment, and enjoy the beauty of God's amazing creation.

It helps me remember the God of the universe, the One who made everything we see and provides for our every need... still in control of the affairs of mankind.

From Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

Since we are nearing that fateful moment in early November, here's a sampling of some recent political cartoons:

seasonally appropriate


energy independence, secure borders, low inflation, strong military, peace through strength...

...with neighbors who loved their lawns and we all worked at McDonalds and fired our glocks on the weekends...(cue insane cackle)

and haven't for the past 4 years

Just trying to lighten the mood.

Hate to admit it, but we done dooded the dirty deed:

We ran up the white flag of surrender and closed the pool.

This is always a sad day, since we're essentially admitting defeat and surrendering to reality: summer is over; winter is on the way.


That time is approaching... I've fired up the factory again...

...and have all 3 shifts working 'round the clock to produce our... famous  regionally known  locally tolerated  same ol' treat bags.

This year we've adopted a pirate theme:

each pirate treat bag will have candy, an eye patch, a pirate ring, some pieces of 8 and a gospel tract.

Wow!  Can't wait to see the happy children's faces!

Or as Long John Silver...

...late of the Shady Palms Pirate Retirement Home...

...might say:

"Arr!  I be anxious t' see th' grog-filled little sandcrabs's faces!"

Tweaked my hickory playset once again as time runs out on this season...

once more with feeling (l to r): long spoon, mid iron, mashie, putter

...dropped my short spoon and swapped out the niblick for my mashie.

The mashie almost covers for the short spoon re: distance and is more versatile than a niblick; with only 3 clubs plus a putter, versatility is at a premium.

A minimalist at heart, I like carrying a literal "mixed bag":  one foot in the 1800's, the other firmly planted in the 1920's.

So far it seems to be working pretty well: ended up winning Friday's match 4 and 3.

Of course I still played the last 3 holes, finishing par-par-bogey for a final score of 7-2.

my birdie putt on #2; "settled" (read: jumped for joy) for a par, first one of 4 that round

struggled a bit from the tees, but compensated with recovery shots...

...needed to chip in from there to make par on #7, so I figgered, why not?  deftly wielded my mashie and voila!  dumb luck?  I prefer to think of it as a bona fide mi-racle*

Time is definitely running out on this season.  My early tee times are now in danger of cancellation since frost is a real possibility most mornings.

I love the crisp temperatures and beautiful scenery of golf in autumn.

It's what comes after...

...that depresses me.

*mi-racle   noun

mi-ra-cle  | \ my' ruh kul \

a contraction of "minor" and "miracle"...not divine intervention, but unusual enough to merit more than a passing comment.

Not much shaking in the 23 Skidoo department this week:

that's "Roger the Elk" who wanders around Rogers City, MI.  he was kind enough to pose for this picture by the Calcite quarry with the northern lights as his backdrop.

written by someone in their 30's no doubt

probably kamala voters; all those make-believe glock owners stick together.

that flicker pretty much owns our makeshift bird feeder (filled with seafood sensations cat food).  even the blue jays steer clear when he stops by for a bite to eat.

That's going to do it for this week's edition of the Atomic Monster Cafe.

As always we thank you for your patronage, even if we do question your taste in reading material.

Since you've already blundered your way this far, we might as well slap you upside your bony noggin with this reminder from God's Word, I Peter chapter 1:

Eternal truth, courtesy of the Apostle Peter.

in the inspiring words of my first IT manager whenever he sent me on a mission to a customer site: "don't blow it".

Later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

In the "so convenient you can't stand it" department, you can purchase my books on

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