Ain't pretty, but after a long winter that's a little bit o' paradise right there.
In no time I'll be outside swinging my hickories and embarrassing myself again.
Can't wait.
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in honor of it being March 1st, the AMC is officially changing seasons. don't care what anyone says, <it's spring!> no, really; it is. |
Ok, let's get the politics out of the way, shall we?
TDS is real, the legacy media is pathetic, and if the dems were a country, they'd be <Burundi>.
Crapper's new book is a study in the legacy media's complete and total lack of self-awareness. Hypocrisy much? |
couldn't happen to a nicer guy |
gonna need industrial strength disinfectant to get rid of that putrid Comey/Wray stench |
while virtue signaling for his precious elites, Hanks flushed his reputation down the toi toi |
<skrik!> seems to be a recurring theme; if there's any justice in the world, he's cooked. |
kudos to Canada for escaping with a narrow overtime win; for JT, <a rasperry>. |
tip o' the iceberg - way too many "public servants" getting rich off taxpayer money...time to DOGEhammer them. |
Nice to have that out of the way, isn't it?
After lots of tinkering and advice from a couple of antique phone enthusiasts, we've finally concluded it's simply the 100+ year old wiring/components:
One of the guys I've been talking to is currently in Arizona for the winter but asked me to send him the subset when he's back home in April.
The bells work, but the induction coil and/or the condenser could be suspect.
I may just try replacing the 9 old wires with new and see what happens.
Until then I'm back to my metal subset/ringer box...
I've had an increasingly ominous feeling of nameless disquietude creeping over me for the last couple of months.
Aye, it's an ill wind that's been a-blowin' and today I finally realized why:
Not positive what my starting point will be - I still have a couple of days to cram moon pies and cream puffs down my gullet -
- but I'm predicting somewhere around 212 lbs.
And as usual, the goal is to lose 15 lbs or so.
I'm hoping for rapid success, because past experience has shown it doesn't take too long before Crying Man morphs into...
"That's it, I'm having a cheeseburger and pity the fool that tries to stop me!" - Angry Man |
Yeah, that guy.
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there's normally a flagpole in the middle of that shot, but 50+ mph winds caused me to remove it for now |
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Ol' Man Winter may have taken one on the chin, but it's def still heating season |
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just because I like it |
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part of Karen's Crocus Hall teapot collection |
Even though March is <nulla magna quatit>, it's really nice to finally be done with February.
We're still at least a month away from consistently nicer weather, but soon we'll be enjoying longer days and warmer temps.
Plus March is also the namesake month for a <distant relative> of mine...
Now, as you rush the exits, please to ponder this eternal truth: