Saturday, September 7, 2024

Everything Old...

Putin says he loves her "infectious laugh" new again:  The Russian Collusion Hoax, Part Deux.

They may not be moral, they're certainly not honest, but you gotta hand it to the democrats:  they're persistent.

They're hoping the hoi polloi, the great unwashed, will fall for their debunked hogwash a 2nd time, and who knows?

There's no lack of ignorant apparatchik's wandering around out there and they don't call them "yellow dog democrats"* for nothing.

In the meantime, Kamala had to <bus in supporters> for another rally, this time in NH:

Wonder how much she had to pay them to endure her special blend of word salads and "infectious laugh"?

As you're pondering our choices for president, consider this:

In 1968 a high jumper named Dick Fosbury took the track and field world by storm, winning an Olympic gold medal with his unique style...

...nicknamed "The Fosbury Flop".

In 2024 the Dems have their own unique candidate with her own distinctive style...

The difference?

Fosbury's style had actual substance that garnered positive results, including an Olympic record and gold medal.

Kamala's flip flops are just smoke and mirrors, designed to steal votes by hiding what she really believes:

She'll outlaw fracking on day one, but trust her, she's in favor of fracking.

She's believes in open borders, but until Tuesday, November 5th, she'll build a border wall.

She's a proponent of the green new deal and eliminating fossil fuels, but right now she's all about drill, baby, drill.

She supports an accelerated EV mandate that will eliminate gasoline cars by 2035, but don't worry, she's opposed to an EV mandate.

Schizophrenic or inauthentic?

Who cares?  Either way you lose.

They're desperately hoping you'll be dazzled by the glitz and faux-joy (not to mention her <pathetic faux-accent>), and won't pay attention to the obvious lies and direct contradictions to her actual political beliefs.

Just remember what the LORD said through the prophet Jeremiah:

Don't be fooled.

* a yellow dog democrat is mindlessly loyal to the party above all.  they'll vote for "an old yellow dog” before they’ll vote republican.

Said I'd include some results of the first pics taken with my Kodak Cameo 110 film camera, to wit:

Overall, I'm pleased - with outdoor pics, that is.  The indoor / flash pics are pretty much trash.  The flash works, but the pics are all uniformly bad - way too dark:

I'm wondering if the flash is pointing too far down.  Here it is in its normal "open" position:

It's pointing down toward the shutter, which may be how it was designed?

Here it is after I put a small piece of scotch tape on the back to hold the flash up:

Don't know if that will help anything - might just blind my human subjects - but I'm going to test it.

Of course, if that does actually help, there goes any spontaneity while capturing that unscripted Kodak Moment.

"Um, yeah...could you repeat that impulsive laugh and hug when she first came into the room, please?

"I just have to find some scotch tape and jerry rig my flash here and then I'll be right with you..."

More to come.

Here's the best thing that happened in my two hickory golf outings this past week:

That's just before I teed off, when the winsome hope of golfing excellence had yet to founder on the unyielding reef of harsh reality.

Yeah, it was that kind of week.

I'm actually doing pretty well from the tees and fairways, and it's no longer a miracle when I'm on or near the green in regulation.

My short game, however, has completely gone south.

We all know someone who's tone deaf and can't carry a tune in a bucket; not sure what the golfing equivalent of that is when it comes to play on and around the green, but lately that's been me.

I'm hoping it's just a temporary illness...

actual photograph of me after missing a 4 ft putt for par

...and will soon pass.

Alrighty boys, line 'em up here, that's right, hustle up, single file, no pushing or shoving, everyone gets a look as we 23 skidoo:

mr. squirrel enjoying some berries

a grandson threw a shoe in a recent X country meet, but he soldiered on and finished the race.  good man!

baby 'possum dining al fresco

to be fair, I'd vote for an old yellow dog before voting democrat

chip, at it again

pic courtesy of Larry on a recent kayak outing

trying something new on the cigar front...

...and liking them pretty well.  not as much of a pepper spice kick as Kentucky Cheroots, but still a flavorful smoke

Wrapping up the 1st week of September, and it's definitely feeling like Fall now.

48 degrees this morning with a 10 mph North wind makes it pretty easy to imagine where we're headed weather-wise.

I actually love September, but not what comes later.

However, since no one asked me, I guess I'll just shut up now.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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Monday, September 2, 2024

A Moment Of Silence, Please... we mourn the passing of Summer, 2024.  

Ok, for all the weather geeks out there, we mourn the passing of meteorological, not <astronomical summer> (yet).

But either way, the bulk of our great outdoor weather is officially in the rearview now, and thus it's time once again for this:

summer's end
(Terry Hare, copyright 2022)
in the fading days of august,
near the end of summer's reign,
when melancholy scents the air,
and daylight starts to wane,

with autumn waiting in the wings,
to dance across life's stage,
it's then I long to turn the hands
of time to June again.

delights of summer beckoned yet,
amid the lengthening days,
verdant frolics called to us,
from summer's lazy haze.

a morning round of hickory golf,
a sunset by the shore,
gardening with my better half,
a summer evening storm.

but time raced on so quickly,
and days flew by too fast,
the joys that once were future,
soon segued to our past.

and now we greet fair autumn,
possessed of fall delights.
but O!  I'll miss those clarion days,
and clement summer nights.

If nothing else, politics is educational.

good advice when dealing with nuclear explosions and democrats

Pay close attention, and you're bound to learn something new.

For example, suppose you encountered someone who publicly <claimed to have served in a war zone>, and retired from the military at a certain rank.

But then you discover he chose to retire rather than accept a deployment to a combat zone; therefore he was never in a war.

Not only that,  when he retired he was demoted a rank because he failed to complete required coursework.

You might reasonably surmise he was trying to polish his resume with non-existent accomplishments.

You might even conclude he was lying and guilty of <stolen valor>.

But as we recently learned... not a liar, nor is he guilty of stolen valor.

No, he's just ignorant; profoundly so.

It’s not a character flaw, it’s a grammar issue: all those confusing nouns and verbs and participles dangling all over the place.

Should have paid a little closer attention in 7th grade grammar class, I guess.

What a relief.

For a moment I was afraid we had a liar and a fraud shilling for votes; turns out he’s just an ignoramus.

Maybe I should take a moment to chat about <Labor Day> .

It is, after all, a national holiday and the unofficial end of the season, albeit the less popular of the Memorial / Labor Day summer bookends.

And we did spend some time with #1 grandson and his family who came over to splash in the pool and enjoy some summer fare:

Or maybe I should give an update on hickory golf:

teeing off a few minutes before sunrise

It's actually going pretty well lately, as my play from the tees and fairways has significantly improved this season (credit Harry Vardon's "The Gist Of Golf" for that).

My short game and putting remain nothing to write home about...

...but I'm hanging around bogey golf with an occasional foray into the rarefied air of par.

Or maybe I should just bag it and move on.

Yeah, let's go with that.

Alrighty then, let's get this 23 skidoo thing motivated:

sunset at the lake, courtesy of Larry


"look, unless I get a wine spritzer, pronto, this meeting is over."
- master negotiator, kamala harris

I do love Fall, just not what comes after it


pepe lepew is back and he brought a friend

sunset as seen through our courtyard window

dock view at Larry's cottage

Mr. Chipmunk out of hiding after Karen put Loki inside

It's true we're exiting summer - we'll lose more than an hour and 20 minutes of daylight by the time September yields the stage to October - but there's still some great outdoor living to be done between now and then.

Get outside and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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