Friday, September 20, 2024

In Not So Breaking News By Now...

would be assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh in Kyiv, Ukraine in 2022

...there was a 2nd attempt to assassinate President Trump.

And of course the looney tunes perp is a democrat:

Unfortunately, this happened before the FBI and Secret Service finished burying evidence and falsifying reports for the 1st attempt.

You can imagine how busy they're going to be now.

Even if they did release information in a timely fashion, who'd believe them?

The only ones who still think they're on the level are the dems, and why not?  They're both playing for the same team.

For the rest of the country, the FBI is seen as the <Schutzstaffel>, the enforcement arm of the Harris / Biden administration as they persecute their political enemies.

From what we've learned to date it's clear Routh is both the poster boy for <BlueAnon>, and a cautionary tale about the dangers of a biased media <recklessly demonizing political candidates>, all wrapped up into one big bundle of radicalized democrat paranoia.

In spite of their obvious culpability, don't hold your breath waiting for a sudden flowering of repentant self-awareness amongst the propaganda arm of the DNC.

Who did the mainstream media blame for this new attempt on Trump's life?

That's right; according the The Dolt, it's Trump's fault deranged democrats want to kill him.

He brought it on himself by saying all those mean things about <Haitians overruning Springfield, Ohio>.

Why, Trump even put schools and hospitals in danger of being bombed!

One problem with Lester Dolt's (and Dana Bash's and every other left wing half wit masquerading as a journalist's) narrative:

According the governor of Ohio, <all those bomb threats are hoaxes>, originating from overseas.

But what would you expect from "America's Most Trusted Anchor"?

This is the moron who was fooled in 2018 by the North Koreans...

...into serving as a propaganda mouthpiece for their communist regime.

Somehow this incompetent boob still has a job and is still lying through his dentures, still shilling for the party of death and deceit.

Remember, when you're looking for genuine, top shelf, 100% pure Guano de Toro, turn to:

May God in heaven have mercy on us.

My thermometer tells me it's still summer...

...with temps pushing 90 degrees in the 3rd week of September.

In spite of this unpleasant development - or perhaps because of it - we welcomed Fall to the Castle Frankenstein:

...and it's about time.

I'm starting to feel cheated out of my favorite month.

I like September mornings in the 50's and afternoons in the mid 60's to low 70's.

While the days are definitely getting shorter, September weather is nowhere to be found.

Absent any glorious fall weather, for now we'll just have to make do with autumn decor.

But I'm not going to be happy if we skip over my favorite season and go straight from 85 degrees down to 50.

And yes, I would like some cheese... go with my w(h)ine.

As The Bard of Avon...

...might have opined in the 16th century:

"Ah Hick'ry Golf!  At which hour shall I ev'r mast'r thee?"

Endured a sound drubbing on the links this week, and I've just about decided my match play scoring system of "par wins, bogey halves, double bogey+ loses" is a little above my pay grade.

I do normally snag a par or 2 during a I even carded a birdie on #3:

dropped that 15 footer for birdie; I know...I'm scared, too.

But I also usually manage to foozle my way to 2 or 3 double bogeys with nauseating regularity, which means pretty much every round is either a loss or a draw.

Not that it really matters...there's no money involved, no one witnesses it (much to their delight), my employer neither knows nor cares how I fare on yon links, and my wife still loves me as long as I don't bore her with the details.

The actual results are what they are, but when I walk away telling myself - 

"2 pars, 4 bogeys, 3 double bogeys...I won, 3 up"

- it just feels better than -

"2 wins, 4 no scores, 3 losses...I lost, 1 down"

Yes, it's little more than some emotional sleight of hand, but it might be time to run up the white flag of surrender...

me, looking for my ball in the actual bunker on #8

...admit defeat and revert to my original match play scoring system.

Oh, the answer to that Elizabethan enigma posed above?

"At which hour Hades doth lid itself with frost."

That's it, I'm putting a stop to this senseless palavering.

Lets' 23 Skidooooooooo...

yet another reason why we can't let the dems cheat their way to a win

only in blue states

a co-worker shared these pics from his recent trip to Italy.

they're from the ravello region...

...and so pretty they almost look like a movie maker's dream sequence.

and speaking of making movies...came across this in storage recently: my Panasonic Super VHS camcorder.  used it when my guys made the playoffs, so their highlight videos would be a little higher quality.  good times.

As you scurry for the exits...

scurry /skûr′ē, skŭr′ē/

intransitive verb

  1. To go with light running steps; scamper.
  2. To flurry or swirl about.
  3. To hasten away or along; to move rapidly; to hurry.
    "the rabbit scurried away"

  4. ...consider this:

A friend from California sent me these pics he took of smoke caused by <the airport fire>.

Thankfully it remained south of his neighborhood, so he and his are safe and sound.

However, not everyone was so fortunate, making this a stark reminder of the fragile hold we have on life -

- and the importance of being reconciled to our Creator through faith in <His Son>.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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Saturday, September 14, 2024

Great News For The Dems...

...according to Gavin Newsom:  Kamala exceeded all expectations in the recent debate.

Translation: she didn't assume the fetal position and suck her thumb, so it's a big win.

Then again, neither did she answer any of the questions she was asked, including the most important one in any presidential election:

Are people better off now than they were 4 years ago?

Since the answer to that is both obvious and damning, she chose instead to ignore it and spout debunked lies* and democrat talking points in her annoying nasal whine.

If you hoped to learn how she would make your life better - improve the economy, fix inflation...

...lower energy costs, stop illegal immigration, reduce crime - well, you're out of luck.

She didn't have time for trivia like that...

...she and her ABC teammates were too busy ganging up on The Bad Orange Man.

If watching a 3 on 1 fight is your thing...

...then you were one happy camper.

Some folks - <Megyn Kelly> for example - were not quite as happy:

But hey, Trump knew what he was in for: in the runup to the debate, 100% of ABC's coverage of Harris was positive; 93% of their coverage of Trump was negative.

And why wouldn't it be?  As the NY Times reported in August:

Bias much?

Even so, Trump willingly walked into a hostile arena for the chance to tell the truth about the disastrous Harris / Biden administration.

That's bravery, but then this is the guy who stood tall after an assassination attempt...

...and yelled, "Fight!  Fight!  Fight!"

So who would you rather have leading your country?

Someone who's so weak she needs the help of two dishonest moderators in a rigged debate, or someone who stands his ground, takes on all comers and fearlessly proclaims his message of <America First>?

Anyone who claims to be undecided at this point is a pillock who shouldn't be allowed to handle anything sharper than a crayon.

Both of these candidates are known quantities and diametrically opposed to one other.

Their actions - or lack thereof - speak for themselves.

The only thing being judged at this point is the character of the voters.

* she refused to answer questions or explain her many failures (inflation, open borders, crime, etc), and while her moderator teammates wouldn't fact check her, the rest of the world did: <KAMALA'S LIES> 

Question:  how do you celebrate the arrival of Autumn?

Answer:  With an Autumn Tree, of course.

No, that's not ours.

It's the clever creation of some friends who recently invited us to spend a mid-September afternoon with them:

That's Captain Mark and his lovely bride Tina, our hosts for a relaxing boat ride on the lake, followed by a delicious meal in their gorgeous home.

The weather was perfect, the conversation interesting, and our time together rejuvenating.

Mark and I were going to burn a couple of Rocky Patel's to cap the day...

...but that's a two hour commitment we did not want to foist on our better halves.

A pleasure denied, saved for another day.

Tina even gifted us a couple of her handmade "cozys" on our way out...

Go Blue!

...used for holding hot/cold bowls of soup or ice cream, etc.

Mark and Tina embody the spirit of gracious living at its finest; what a delight to share an afternoon with them.

Another enjoyable week on the links:

#5 tee, looking straight into the bright sunshine...

...and where I teed off, so I at least had a chance to see where my drive landed.  not a fan of east/west fairways and there are 2 of them on this course.

on the green in regulation; 3 putt for bogey; grit teeth, mumble under breath, stomp off to next tee.

My play from the tees and fairways has improved this season, but my troubles with the short game continue.

A common refrain from all us residents of Dufferville, but even so you gotta love hickory golf.

When the shouting's done...'s still a little solitude, a little exercise and a pleasant stroll through the countryside.

Alrighty then, time to embrace your...

...and 23 Skidoo:

plottin' against the menfolk

a couple of strays looking for a handout at Larry's cottage

not dead; sleeping

she spends more money on avgas for her private jet in a week than most people make in a year.  why would anyone care what liberal bubble girl thinks?

can I help it if he's photogenic?

lakeside view from Larry's cottage

hydrangea centerpiece courtesy of Karen

As my southern belle mom used to tell me when I was underfoot, "time to scat!"

On your way out, here's something to ponder.

In every objective measure that matters, we're living in a time of decline and gathering darkness, but there is a solution:

It's up to God's people to take those first steps of humility, prayer, commitment and repentance.

If we do, God promises He will hear our prayers, forgive our sins and heal our country.

For what exactly are we waiting?

Chop chop.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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