Saturday, October 12, 2024

In The Midst Of Chaos... oasis of serenity.

Isn't that delightful?

That's a sunrise on the lake by Larry's cottage, and he's kind enough to share some gorgeous pics now and then.

In this crazy runup to the most important election in our lifetime, when the airwaves are filled with lies and the future of our constitutional republic hangs in the balance...'s calming to simply take a breath, step back for a moment, and enjoy the beauty of God's amazing creation.

It helps me remember the God of the universe, the One who made everything we see and provides for our every need... still in control of the affairs of mankind.

From Psalm 46:10 - "Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth."

Since we are nearing that fateful moment in early November, here's a sampling of some recent political cartoons:

seasonally appropriate


energy independence, secure borders, low inflation, strong military, peace through strength...

...with neighbors who loved their lawns and we all worked at McDonalds and fired our glocks on the weekends...(cue insane cackle)

and haven't for the past 4 years

Just trying to lighten the mood.

Hate to admit it, but we done dooded the dirty deed:

We ran up the white flag of surrender and closed the pool.

This is always a sad day, since we're essentially admitting defeat and surrendering to reality: summer is over; winter is on the way.


That time is approaching... I've fired up the factory again...

...and have all 3 shifts working 'round the clock to produce our... famous  regionally known  locally tolerated  same ol' treat bags.

This year we've adopted a pirate theme:

each pirate treat bag will have candy, an eye patch, a pirate ring, some pieces of 8 and a gospel tract.

Wow!  Can't wait to see the happy children's faces!

Or as Long John Silver...

...late of the Shady Palms Pirate Retirement Home...

...might say:

"Arr!  I be anxious t' see th' grog-filled little sandcrabs's faces!"

Tweaked my hickory playset for the final time this season...

once more with feeling (l to r): long spoon, mid iron, mashie, putter

...dropped my short spoon and swapped out the niblick for my mashie.

The mashie covers for the short spoon re: distance and is more versatile than a niblick; with only 3 clubs plus a putter, versatility is at a premium.

A minimalist at heart, I like carrying just a wood and 2 irons, and I'm enjoying this literal "mixed bag":  one foot in the 1800's, the other firmly planted in the 1920's.

So far it seems to be working pretty well: ended up winning Friday's match 4 and 3.

Of course I still played the last 3 holes, finishing par-par-bogey for a final score of 7-2.

my birdie putt on #2; "settled" (read: jumped for joy) for a par, first one of 4 that round

struggled a bit from the tees, but compensated with recovery shots...

...needed to chip in from there to make par on #7, so I figgered, why not?  deftly wielded my mashie and voila!  dumb luck?  I prefer to think of it as a bona fide mi-racle*

Time is definitely running out on this season.  My early tee times are now in danger of cancellation since frost is a real possibility most mornings.

I love the crisp temperatures and beautiful scenery of golf in autumn.

It's what comes after...

...that depresses me.

*mi-racle   noun

mi-ra-cle  | \ my' ruh kul \

a contraction of "minor" and "miracle"...not divine intervention, but unusual enough to merit more than a passing comment.

Not much shaking in the 23 Skidoo department this week:

that's "Roger the Elk" who wanders around Rogers City, MI.  he was kind enough to pose for this picture by the Calcite quarry with the northern lights as his backdrop.

written by someone in their 30's no doubt

probably kamala voters; all those make-believe glock owners stick together.

that flicker pretty much owns our makeshift bird feeder (filled with seafood sensations cat food).  even the blue jays steer clear when he stops by for a bite to eat.

That's going to do it for this week's edition of the Atomic Monster Cafe.

As always we thank you for your patronage, even if we do question your taste in reading material.

Since you've already blundered your way this far, we might as well slap you upside your bony noggin with this reminder from God's Word, I Peter chapter 1:

Eternal truth, courtesy of the Apostle Peter.

in the inspiring words of my first IT manager whenever he sent me on a mission to a customer site: "don't blow it".

Later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

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Saturday, October 5, 2024

All Over The Map...

...this week...a little o' this, some o' that.

We'll start with the VP debate, which wasn't close.

JD Vance mopped the floor with Walz, and in the process became a viral meme:

But give Walz some credit; he was flattened in the debate but held his own in the meme department:

Barney Google with the goo-goo-googly eyes...
Vance was calm and unflappable, in control of the facts, articulate and on point.

As expected, Walz was a clownish liar.

In what has to be the gaffe of the decade, he claimed he's "become friends with school shooters".

That prompted an immediate response from the Trump campaign:

Far more serious, of course, were Walz's lies.

His awkward, rambling non-answer to repeatedly lying about being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre was painful to watch and should be disqualifying.

the wicked witch of the west: insider trading expert

But hey, he's a democrat so he rolls on.

Next up: our favorite self-involved, out of touch billionaire...

...Liberal Bubble Girl.

Looks like she <took it on the chin> in fan count after endorsing what's-her-name for prez.

Lost 2 million listeners on Spotify and declined in popularity, and why not?

She continues leaning hard into her public image as a self-absorbed, tone deaf <cynosure> for the bubble gum set.

Remember girls, <F* the patriarchy!>

But weep not for LBG...she may be vapid and irrelevant, but she's still insanely rich...

...with a much more impressive carbon footprint than you have.

Rock on!

Moving on to the Engineering Marvels department: ever seen the Gateway Arch in St. Louis?

I used to drive by it when traveling to Springfield, MO to watch #3 son play basketball in college.

Always wondered what the story was behind that impressive monument, and now I know:

This documentary is from the mid-1960's, about 28 minutes long, and worth every second of your time.

What an amazing engineering feat, from an era when we still led the world in creativity and innovation.

Let's sashay over to the Collector's Corner, shall we?

Here's something for the nostalgia buffs among us:

Whoa, whoa, whoa...why the dismissive look of disdain?

Yes, it's a manual typewriter, but...<so much more>!

It's typewriter and a transistor radio, all in one.

Betcha don't have one of those now, do you?

Don't miss it while you can.

In the "my bad" department (does anyone actually say "my bad" anymore?):

I admit I'm late on this one, but here's your <2024 Leaf Peeping Guide> for Michigan.

You can still catch a little bit of it up north if you stop reading this blog right now, jump in your preferred mode of transportation and head on up to da UP, eh?

For all us trolls who live under the bridge, we've still got another week or two of peak conditions.

I live to serve; you're welcome.

And finally, I saved the best for last: hickory golf.

(What?  You thought you'd get off with no HGU*?

Silly rabbit...this ain't no breakfast cereal gig; we're talking serious now.)

Here's my season ending playset, a combination of pre-1900 woods and 1920's era irons:

left to right: long spoon, short spoon, mid iron, niblick, putter

After doing some mix and match for a few rounds, this seems to be working.

a little color in the treetops now

Between my long spoon and mid iron, I'm usually on or near the green in regulation.

My short spoon and niblick are used within 120 yards of the green and for getting out of sand traps / ugly lies.

As far as putting goes...

yep, it's Calamity Jane, back to torment me, though I did actually make that putt for par on #8

...that continues to be the bane of my golfing existence, though I do show flashes of semi-competence now and then (see above).

In my latest dustup with Mr. Links, I managed to par 3 holes, bogey 2, and double bogey the other 4, which in my world passes for a win.

Sadly, the season is winding down now.  Might get another 7 rounds in, 8 if the stars align.

And then?

Don't even think about it.

*HGU: hickory golf update

Before you flee the premises...

...we've got to 23 Skidoo:

heating season is just around yon corner

gorgeous sunset pic courtesy of Larry...

...and an October sunrise, ditto

don't know why, but Loki's preferred method of getting a drink

real life explained by a cave man

how 'bout dem Tigers?

Larry's Kingfisher on the throne

love this pic...sunset on 7th avenue

How would you like to:

a) be blessed of God,

b) expand your reach in His kingdom,

c) know that He's guiding and protecting you, and

d) be happy?

The bible says that Jabez - whose name means sorrow, because his mother suffered so in his birth - was more honorable than his brethren, and he asked God for all of the above:

And you know what?

God granted his request.

Have you talked to God recently?

Something to think about.

later, mcm fans...

* Crass Commercialism Corner *

In the "so convenient you can't stand it" department, you can purchase my books on

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